Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Sun and the Sand and a Drink in My Hand With No Bottom. No Shoes, No Shirt, and No Problems!

In December of 2012, I discovered paradise.

After a long, tiring week at BCR, I needed a relaxing weekend. My friend Daniel Marten offered his beach house on Playa Coyote as our proposed destination, and thankfully, they were smart enough not to tell me how far it was! 4 hours later, including 1 very long grocery run and a weird visit to what I can only describe as a UFO memorial, we arrived! It was dark and I was tired, so I wouldn't get the full effect till the next morning!

As I made my way out to the backyard, which, mind you, bordered the ocean, my mouth dropped open and I was in love! Not to mention, breakfast was already cooked and laid out! Check this place out...
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner table
Even more seating
BBQ area
Backyard pool

Oh hey Fred! You like that couch?

Fred wasted no time leading us down to the water so he could run amok. Turns out my street dog LOVES the beach! Like owner like dog!


My day alternated from sitting in a beach chair staring out at the Ocean watching the waves, to taking a dip in the pool with my furry friend, to reading a great book in one of the quiet, secluded areas around the house.  Being a New Yorker, I'm not sure I ever really understood the true meaning of the word 'relaxation', but as I swung in one of the many hammocks, watching the sun set, I think I got a taste!
 As night feel, we thought it would be great idea to have a bonfire on the beach! Thanks to Alberto, our resident boy scout, we had the most amazing bonfire I've ever seen! And while we waited, we had a little fun burying Clay in the sand!
Fred wanted to help

The weekend came to end WAY too soon, but as we drove away from paradise, I made a silent promise that I would be back soon! Thankfully, that wish came true! More on that to come!

Pura Vida!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

They Did the Mash, They Did the Monster Mash, The Moster Mash, It Was a Graveyard Smash

I refuse to give up my American customs, one being my 2nd favorite holiday, Halloween.  I returned from the US with a suitcase packed to the gills with every cheesy Halloween decoration from iParty I could possible cram in there, ready to show the Costa Rican's what this crazy holiday was all about.  Turns out they gave a schooling I was not at all prepared for.

I of course had my costume picked out since Halloween last year, but I found out others are not as pepared [or insane] as I am.  2 days before our big office party, I stood in a Ropa Americana store, which is the CR version of a thrift shop, with my friend Jose.  We were combing the racks for this year's #1 costume, the dude from the Gangum Style music video.  Cut to 10 years from now when no one remembers what this is, well here is a reminder.

What we found was a ladies blouse that kinda, sorta resembled the jacket from the video, only if you squinted hard enough and cocked your head to the side, but at least it was the right color.  Enter Sylvia! I was determined to make it work.  With a little nip here and tuck there, and of course some black electical tape, it only took four hours, but tada!!!!

Our office party was to take place at the family farm of our coworker Felipe Robert.  This place fit the bill. Upon entering the abandoned house on the property, a bat flew [way] too close to our heads.  No joke! Ask Carla Blanco! That happened!

After an exhausting afternoon of decorating and setting up games: pumpkin carving, toilet paper mummy contests, and my all time favorite... bobbing for nips, we were ready to party! 

Costumes ranged from very elaborate...

To thrown together on the bus ride over...

There were couple costumes...

and of course pet costumes...

But the costume contest winner in my opinion was Mr. Gangum Style himself...

Everyone had a great night, there was awesome food, killer music and of course some great stories.  But what happens at the creepy country house, stays at the creepy country house!

Pura Vida!